Open Course 2014
Medical Industry Innovation Forum
[Theme] A breadth of industry leaders share their perspectives on how to transform the Medical Industry, and fuel Disruptive Innovation
November 18th, 2014 – March 18th, 2015 (8 sessions)
18:00 – 21:00 (Reception will be held after the lecture)
Tetsumon Memorial Hall
(14th Floor, Faculty of Medicine Experimental Research Building)
- Undergraduate and graduate students (from The University of Tokyo and other universities)
- Medical Innovation Industry Institute members
- Healthcare professionals from medical institutes, academic societies, industries including pharmaceutical and medical device companies
- Other professionals with a strong interest in leading Innovation in the medical industry
- Regular: 40,000JPY
- Mi3 Member: 26,000JPY (It costs extra, annual membership fee 12,000 yen)
- Student: Free, for 8 lectures.
We are globally at a tipping point in terms of healthcare provision, and there is general acceptance by all stakeholders of the need to change. New entrants are entering into the burgeoning healthcare sector, offering new insights and alternate business models. To materially transform the industry will demand strong leadership amongst multiple constituencies (including industry, government, academic and medical communities), and alignment across a number of dimensions that they themselves will change –including regulations; pricing; capital investment; new skill development and training. With Japan’s aged society there is a local imperative to act that can empower Japanese firms to become increasingly competitive on a global stage. With such a local focus to global problems improved international competiveness will improve inward investment in Japan.
There are a number of global mega-trends transforming healthcare that cannot be ignored: Globalization; Consumerism; Aging and Obese populations; Chronic Diseases that are more expensive to treat; and New medical technologies and treatments
In this year’s course, we will invite public and private sector leaders and key opinion leaders to provide their perspectives and insights at a pivotal time of rapid and transformational change across the medical industry.
Forum office within Medical Innovation Industry Institute
Tel: +81-3-5842-3363
Presented by Pharmaco-Business Innovation, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the University of Tokyo (Professor: Hiromichi Kimura).
The Forum is sponsored by the Medical Innovation Industry Institute

Kamon Iizumi
Tokushima Prefecture

Yasutoshi Nishimura
State Minister
Cabinet Office

Yasuhiko Ishikawa
Executive Vice President and Representative Director
General Manager, Medical Division
General Manager, Career Center
Solasto Corporation

Tsuguya Fukui
St. Luke’s International Hospital

Masahiro Kitano
Senior Vice President and Executive Officer
President & CEO,
Healthcare Group and Healthcare Company
Hitachi Ltd.

Takaaki Kirino
National Hospital Organization

Toshio Takiguchi
President and Chief Executive Officer
Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation

Norihiro Kokudo
Director, National Clinical Database
President, The Japan Surgical Society,
Professor and chairman,
Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division, Artificial Organ and Transplantation Division, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

Hiroaki Miyata
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Healthcare Quality Assessment

Toshikazu Saito
Renaissance, Inc.

Christophe Weber
Representative Director, President & COO
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Norihiko Fukuda
Mayor City of Kawasaki

Yoshiyuki Sankai
Professor, Graduate School in Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
Director, Center for Cybernics Research, University of Tsukuba
President & CEO, CYBERDYNE Inc.

Takeshi Kimura
Members of the Board & Corporate Vice President Management of R&D; Quality Assurance & External Scientific Affairs; Intellectual Property; Wellness Business

Satoshi Tanaka
Executive Managing Officer & Chief Operating Officer

Naohito Kimura
Office of Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary
Cabinet Secretariat

Keiya Iida
Assistant Minister for Promotion of Healthcare Industries and Global Expansion of Healthcare
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Hirotaka Unami
Director, Budget for Social Security Budget Bureau
Ministry of Finance

Ryozo Nagai
Jichi Medical University

Hiromichi Kimura
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,The University of Tokyo