Message from Chairman
Japan has been renowned for its world’s highest life longevity and lowest infant mortality rate, enjoying its world class healthcare and medical infrastructure. However, in ever changing social needs in medical/healthcare area, the mismatches between services and products provided and people’s needs are increasing and that is becoming a social issue in Japan.
Regulatory system reform and human resource development can be solutions for this mismatch, but above all, fortification of medical/ pharmaceutical product/ services industry is thought to be the key. Japan is rich in element technologies and advanced technologies to support healthcare/ medical industry, and its potential to lead the world is enormously large. However, its potential has not been fully realized because of difficulties to harmonize opinions of various stakeholders in medical area and lagged reform of social system design. Now the world’s major nations are rushing into the international competition to grow healthcare/ medical industry with a unified effort of industry, government, and academia.
It is important to discuss about visions and establish academic base, but many feedbacks we obtained told us that it is also very meaningful to establish a group to discuss about practical obstacles and countermeasures for doing business in the medical industry today, and transform the discussion outcome into concrete actions. There are also expectations that our group proposes sustainable business model, and contributes to smoother procurement of managerial resources.
Medical industry encompasses complicated issues that one company or one organization cannot handle alone. By that leaders from industry, government, academia, medical community, civil society participate in the discussion with their full knowledge from a broad perspectives, we believe that we can streamline the necessary infrastructure, so that world’s intellectual capital and managerial resources will accumulate in Japan and Japanese medical industry will flourish as world’s leader.
We ask for your understanding of our aims and activities, and welcome your participation.
Chairman Hiromichi Kimura